
Vicky Borchers
Lemming. It’s the name I dubbed Rick after being drafted into the
state art project. I’m a designer by trade and professor by
paycheck. I’ve had the distinct honor(?) of knowing Rick first
professionally then personally for over twenty years, and to this
day, his escapades have continued to amaze.
I think that without a brief history of my 22 year acquaintance
with Mr. Vanderpool, my reasons for being involved with this project
would remain fuzzy. In fact, every RV encounter has been
serendipitous at best. Without exception, after lengthy periods of
silence, he has emerged in my life with some new quixotic project
that entails an odyssey of epic proportions.
The first such excursion was a cross-country photo-journalistic
tour of every Columbus town, or at one time had a post office for
the quincentennial. While remarkable in just miles traveled, the
last 2,500 of those were with my 65 year old mother, Lola. She was
hypnotized by the Vanderpool mystique, therefore immune to the
nights spent sleeping in the passenger seat of the panel van and
fine dining and bathing at the Flying J’s of the northwest. I guess
every Quixote must have their Sancho.
With that excursion under her belt, it was only a matter of time,
before Rick came calling for Lola to ride shot-gun once again. This
time it was to photograph the lighthouses along the eastern
seaboard. Needless to say, mom had her bag packed before Rick every
hung up the phone and with me waving bye in the exhaust of the van,
they set off from Kansas City on a three week tour.
All these excursions did was fuel mom’s desire for travel, and
especially with an interested companion. That’s where the state art
project comes in. Rick wryly inserted the “bonding” I could achieve
with my teenage daughter; how three generations could come together
and really get into this trip. Well the Pied Piper had spoken, and I
followed, just as sure as I had been hypnotized. The journey was
kicked off by Rick himself, showing up at my doorstep to help me
photograph Kansas. You see, I’m not really a “professional
photographer”, however, as Rick so cleverly inserted, I had an eye.
Yeah, an eye, an, ear, and a gullibility that could only be matched
by the incredulity that appeared on my daughter’s face when I
suggested she accompany us. With the first foray under my belt, I
needed only to suggest to Lola that we embark on a quest to finish
out the far western portion of Kansas. She had her bag packed. I
suspect she secretly keeps it packed in the event that Rick may show
up at her door, and was on my doorstep at 3:00am the next morning.
Looking for Kansas has turned out to be a great way to “stop and
smell the roses”. With my trusty side-kick, Lola, taking notes, we
have enjoyed the journey, even more than the results. Interestingly,
Kansas county seats, are rarely more than 30-40 miles apart and not
always along a major highway. Seems we are looking for not only
Kansas, but also anything else that strikes us as interesting. The
philosophy, that we may never pass this way again, spurs us to
explore historic markers, phenomenal junk yards, and bizarre yard
art. “Kansas, land of ah-h-h-s…” |