
J. Brooks &
Peggy Breeden
How We Pictured Ohio
 Rick Vanderpool and my wife got me into this. I guess it is a
kind of payback, of sorts. He even hints at it just a little bit in
his introduction to Looking for Georgia; he says, “…after living
in The Peach State for 20+ years - just long enough to get a degree
from the University of Georgia,…”
You see, back in the early 1970s, I was an “instructor” (the
lowest faculty rank possible) at the University Of Georgia School Of
Environmental Design and Rick was U.S. Air Force graduate, entering
our program in Landscape Architecture. I was his advisor and I
advised him to leave our program. Actually, I advised him to
transfer to the Department of Photography and Cinema because that
seemed to be where his heart was, and he was very good with a
camera. He was good at landscape architecture, but he was better
with a camera.
So, thirty years later, Peggy and I were spending our summer
putting the finishing touches on a CD-ROM for Prentice Hall, a
twenty-year project of mine in computer-assisted instruction for
students of landscape architecture. I wanted a photo of Carhenge and
thought of Rick. I emailed him and asked if he happened to have an
image that I could use. Rick said yes, and then started the dialog
that brought me on board Stateart: “It just occurred to me. I need
an Ohio photographer for my project. Do you have one you could
Then my wife got into the act: “When we finish this CD-ROM, we
need another project and Stateart sounds like fun.” Peggy can make a
convincing case when she puts her mind to it, and with her and
Rick’s encouragement, it was an offer I couldn’t refuse.
After reading Rick’s proposal for the project and talking with
him by phone, it sounded exciting to take part in a nationwide
artistic project. He had convinced me that the Stateart was just the
type of endeavor we needed to enable us to visit each of Ohio’s
eighty-eight counties. I wanted to travel and Brooks wanted to get
back into photography. “Looking for Ohio” seemed made-to-order for
—Peggy |